Frequently Asked Questions
#ABetterHebbal FAQ
Not sure why you should be participating in this challenge? Have questions on what this challenge really is? This FAQ might help.
Is this an architecture or an engineering challenge?
No, but interchange between different transit nodes that enable safer, efficient movement of people might be a big part of the system that encourages public transport. This will mean thinking through how people living, working and transitioning through this area will access multiple modes of public transport that are being provisioned in this study area. Solutions can be as varied as architectural interventions, planning and transport interventions, technological interventions, policy or economic interventions, citizen engagement interventions, etc.
Does it involve solving the traffic jam at the Hebbal flyover?
Not directly. We are looking for holistic solutions to address the problems around incoherence of transport modes in the region. We are looking at a broader study precinct than the Hebbal flyover and to shift more traffic to sustainable modes such as public transport, walking and cycling. Please refer to the Challenge Brief to understand the study precinct and the principles that the challenge entrants to follow. If your idea really works well, Hebbal flyover might even become redundant, we hope.
What are we designing in this design challenge?
We are looking at system design which addresses access and adoption. Access to public transport involves infrastructure and design elements that make the last mile mode safe and reliable. Adoption involves making people aware and incentivised to use the modes designed. So thinking of people, their behaviours, the incentives, the modes and its overall design till the public transport spot is what we term as system design.
Are we looking at only infrastructure design?
Imagining only infrastructure is one dimensional. Peoples behaviours and biases should also be factored into the system design. If sustainable modes are envisaged, incentives and motivating people to adopt the modes is an integral part of the systemic thinking.
I'm an individual and not competent to do infrastructure design, should I apply?
Yes, If you can think of an idea which does not involve huge infrastructure changes but still improves access and motivate people to use public transport then we can find ways to make it happen faster and more easily. But do remember to think of infrastructure constraints and point out the challenges your idea might face because of the lack of the same.
We are an urban design firm can we only provide infrastructure design ideas?
Sure, but do understand that there are points for thinking through people, their motivations and biases that need to be influenced to make them use last mile modes and also public transport. If your design has the incentives included then do point it out.
We sell and/or operate micro-mobility solutions, can we apply?
Yes, you are best placed to think through what will make your solution work and who knows, you may be able to take it to a pilot deployment as well if it is selected.
We work in tech and want to present a tech solution for the problems in the area, can we apply?
Yes, tech solutions in today's world can make a world of a difference and this can be your pilot test bed to showcase your solutions.
We are citizens/RWA/NGO from the area can we apply?
Yes, we encourage citizens with no background in either infrastructure design or engineering to apply because this is about more people adopting public transport. If you live in the area you may be more familiar with the issues that prevent you from using public transport. This is an opportunity to bring it to the attention of the authorities in a structured way. It will help you think through the idea and present it coherently.
What is the guarantee the chosen solutions will get implemented?
CiFoS believes in a more solution oriented approach. There is no guarantee that a chosen solution will be implemented as is. However, an amalgamation of different solutions could emerge as a recommendation for implementation.
What happens to the chosen ideas after the challenge?
Please refer the competition brief for more details.
Are all these modes already present in the region? What are the upcoming proposals for the region?
Bus - There are already bus services both along the ORR and Airport road.
Metro - New alignment as displayed in the brief/website is planned under phase 3.
Suburban Rail - The stations already exist. The schedules on the lines are expected to increase shortly.
Interchange facility - A new depot building is planned at the north east corner which is currently operated as Hebbal BMTC bus depot. It is expected to be a multimodal interchange.
Micro-mobility modes - Private shared vehicle sharing services are already active in the city but may not be available in the study precinct.
If am not from Hebbal area, can I still apply?